Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Basement

Hello readers of my blog. My name is Mylo and I currently reside in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I'm currently a student and, I have an absurdly big fish tank... but I digress. The majority of my blogging will consist of everyday events of my life. If you're not interested, then you should click that little 'X' near the top right-hand corner of your screen. But then again, why wouldn't you like my blog? I'm awesome. AND! I have a big fish tank...wait, did I say that already???

So for my first ever blog:

At the moment, I'm sleeping on a mattress on the floor of my bug-ridden basement. Why, you ask? During the summertime, anything above the temperature of 24 degrees is warm to me. Therefore sleeping upstairs just won't do. *(A little science lesson for you youngins') So kids! hot air rises and cool air sinks so my bedroom upstairs would be significantly hotter then my basement.*

If I had to personify my basement and my bedroom, It would be something like this:

: "Hi Mylo, I'm nice and cold. If you sleep here, you won't wake up drenched in sweat. The only downside is that there may be a *few* cute bugs that tend to skitter across the stucco ceiling at lightning speeds. Some may include but are not limited to: hobo spiders, yellow sack spiders and the ever so adorable house centipede. You might also find that the fish inside your dad's fish tank splash around loudly when you sleep, but!Hey, you stay cool, and that's what counts.


Upstairs Bedroom

And really, I'd rather take my chances with the bugs.

The other day, a house centipede ran across the ceiling... If you don't know what a house centipede looks like...its kinda like a centipede + spider x 10 scary. Or something like this:
So I cringed a little when I look at this picture. Okay. I was in my basement at around 3am when out of the corner of my eye, I saw this guy running across my ceiling. And if you've ever seen one of these guys run...holy shit man, THEY RUN! So I grab a can of bug repellent that I bought earlier that day (Thinking that bug repellent could double as bug spray) and I start spraying the shit outta that thing. After emptying 90% of the can's contents you would think that the centipede would die, but...nope....nothing. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! That bastard was still running around like nothing happened.

By then, the basement air was so saturated with bug repellent that it set off one of the carbon monoxide detectors. Guess where the alarm was. The alarm was conveniently placed behind a pile of full Rubbermaid containers which was also conveniently placed behind a FULL bookshelf. I had to move EVERYTHING out of the way, all the while the alarm was blaring its ultra-high-pitched tone at me. After about half an hour of moving books & boxes, I finally unplug that son of a bitch alarm and get back to business of killing that centipede.

The centipede was on the wall! I was NOT about to let it get away. I grabbed the nearest flat object (which at the time was a cookie tin lid) and squished the centipede. There were still-twitching parts of the body & legs on the wall & floor.... I had to clean that shit up with a tissue.

After the whole commotion, I finally got to sleep around 4 am.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my first ever post, and I promise there will be more to come.



    Oh, and I love the blog name by the way! Fish are scary. You're dad's fish are very scary. CENTIPEDES are scary. Why do I still enter you home!?

  2. Because you love us =)

    P.S. I would love it if you censored that centipede, its legs are TOO EXPLICIT!

  3. haha absolutely no censoring on my blog, sorry :)
